"Without question, Wrong Skin, is a vibrant celebration of the ingenuity and energy of youth"
Ngurrumilmarrmeriyu (Wrong Skin)
The Chooky Dancers
A Romeo and Juliet like story of forbidden love, skin and clan the work explores with abandoned energy the pressures faced by remote Indigenous communities, determined to maintain their identity and culture, while finding a place for their children in the contemporary world.
Director Nigel Jamieson in association with Joshua Bond, the community and elders of Elcho Island and The Chooky Dancers
Associate Director, Movement Gavin Robins
Set Design Nigel Jamieson
Costumes/Associate Designer Mathew McCall
Film & Video Designer Scott Alexander
Video producer Mic Gruchy
Lighting Designer Trudy Dalgeish
Composers and Sound Designers David Page and Basil Hogios
Film Footage Gavin Robins, Scott Anderson, Alan Dowler, Nigel Jamieson
Performers Djakapuura Munyarrun, Djali Donald Ganambar, Frances Djulbing, Rarriwuy Hick, Lionel Dhulmanawuy andAnthony Djamangi
Chooky Dancers Aaron Djimilkinya, Daren Matan, Nathan Guymangura, Gerald Dhamarrandji and Wakara Gondarra